the Bread
and Butter
Ms. Silvana Ursola, ESL Volunteer Teacher, whose services will always be greatly Appreciated!
THANK YOU for caring for your students!

Our programs and events are supported by more than 150 volunteers who work every year with passion and dedication
These are DCET's Volunteer Opportunities:
There are so many opportunities for you to help us, be doiong Research, Strategic Planning - Marketing, Social Media
Management, Administration - Teaching classes, Community and Special Events, and also, being a Board Member

Creemos en nosotros mismos
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” –
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Volunteerism is one of the most selfless acts that we can become involved in. Nonprofits around the world need more volunteers to carry out their missions and make the biggest difference possible.

These are the categories of Volunterism
College students
Jr. High School Students
High School Students
Community Volunteers
​Organizations and churches who would like to participate in group projects
Court Mandated volunteers are welcome!
​Fill a Volunteer Application
Sign Code of Ethics
Read DCET Values
Sign Release and Confidentiality Agreement
Sign Personal Development Plan
Follow Job Description
The YIC (Youth in College) Prep College Program at DCET
College preparatory is a program at DCET that HELPS prepare high school students for college. This program also helps parents understand how important it is to prepare their children for admission to college, stay there and graduate. All schools should adopt a college preparatory program but sometimes this does not happen.
We at DCET assist interns for college success finding scholarship opportunities.
Our Internship program is a win/win situation where students, their parents and DCET have mutual benefits. One of the benefits is to offer parents the opportunity to study, ESL, GED, Citizenship and Computer classes free. This program links families to other empowering opportunities through higher education and community involvement.
Eligibility & Selection Criteria to receive a
Eligible applicants must be graduating seniors from High School in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area.
A good standing student.
A U.S. citizens or documented legal residents of the United States.
Selection criteria includes:
Aspirations and ideals as expressed in an essay.
School AP enrollment.
Demonstrate Leadership Skills.
100 hours of Community Volunteer Hours at DCET.
Send Whatssap text: 214-587-1983
or, email us: dcenti1@sbcglobal.net