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FAMA Means:
Folklorico Arts Mentoring Amigos

Mentoring, Tutoring, and operating through Folklorico dance training of youth and children in 

Grand Prairie and Irving


FAMA brings Leadership and Mentoring Activities

Mexican cultural dance known as Folklorico is combined with

"Valores Familiaries"

(Family Values) workshops and lectures as part of another major activity of Life Skills programming.



(Amigos de tutoría de bellas artes)

MENTORÍA en FAMA significa retroalimentación y consejos constructivos mientras se apoya el entusiasmo y el interés a través del baile y el canto.


Josie Flores ,

  FAMA, Director del Programa

Su amor y pasión por ayudar a nuestros niños a ganar autoestima a través del baile folklórico, cantar y tocar instrumentos musicales es su secreto para convertir a los niños pequeños en miembros exitosos y productivos de la sociedad.

Please Make it happen~
Donate for a Worthy Cause


FAMA Mission

To increase understanding among DCET’s program participants of the value of leadership and mentoring and how to interact successfully in a variety of social situations within their new environment


FAMA Donations

  • $15 Buys one Practice FAMA skirt for one student.

  • $45 Buys one pair of Folklorico Dancing Shoes for one student. 

  • $50 Buys  two FAMA T-shirts for two students.

  • $100 Provides school supplies for one child for a year.

  • $300 Buys a tablet for a class to incorporate early technology learning and in-class assessments.

  • $500 Buys 50 new children’s music CD’s for song time.


A unique win/win relationship: while parents and grandparents study literacy, FAMA children sing, dance and play musical instruments in an adjoining area. Through these activities, children and youth learn to process, analyze and respond to sensory information through performing movements in artistic expression while having a safe and positive environment while parents study. 

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