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Diploma de educación general

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El examen de equivalencia de escuela secundaria ofrece a los adultos que no completaron la escuela secundaria la oportunidad de certificar sus conocimientos y habilidades académicas.

Se requiere un diploma de escuela secundaria o un Certificado de equivalencia de escuela secundaria para muchos trabajos de nivel de entrada. En muchos casos, también es un requisito previo para el avance en el empleo, la formación ocupacional y la educación postsecundaria.

Preparándote en DCET para el examen de GED

Los programas de DCET luchan contra el analfabetismo y satisfacen las necesidades educativas de los inmigrantes adultos, ayudándolos a aumentar la conciencia laboral, la autoestima, el desarrollo de habilidades sociales y el desarrollo profesional.

Horario de clases

Lunes 12-2pm

Jueves 2-4pm

Llame para programar una cita para registrarse:


Se necesitan más voluntarios para ayudar a estos estudiantes y se necesitan más clases de preparación para la equivalencia de la escuela secundaria. No se requiere experiencia previa en la enseñanza para ayudar en un programa de HSE. Puede ayudar a un estudiante a lograr este importante objetivo al convertirse en voluntario en DCET, LLÁMENOS: 214-587-1983


Cost to take the exam at a Testing Center
It ranges from $125 to $145 per student, depending on which exam the student chooses. You can help an adult student take this important step by contributing to our assistance fund for low income students who are ready to take the high school equivalency exam.


I started as a Volunteer and become at DCET asn upgraded to be an In-Take Manager paid by a government fund that DCET a Mentoring Facilitator involved in the FAMA Program - Jackie Olvera

The full battery of exams take a student approximately seven hours to complete. The GED exam is a computer-based test; the HiSET and TASC exams are offered in a computer based and paper based format. Preparation classes focus on improving an adult's skills in the subject content areas; students attend classes at least twice a week.

Almost all students need individual help and additional practice in order to successfully prepare for the high school equivalency exam. However, not every program is able to serve students on such an individualized basis because of the shortage of instructors.

DEBES CREER EN TI is registered by: the IRS as a Charitable Organization, with a ruling year of 1999. Headquarters are in Irving, TX and has an EIN of 31-1640064, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit Corporation. Donations are tax-deductible.  
(Source: IRS Business Master File and Form 990).
La Escuelita Irving
504 North O'Connor Rd.
Irving, TX 75061
214-587-1983 (Mobile)
La Escuelita Grand Prairie
4556 S. Carrier Pkwy.
Grand Prairie, TX 75061
214-587-1983 (Mobile)
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DCET does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, nationality or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or gender. All of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities of DCET are available to students of any race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or gender.                        

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