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"Now that I can read and write in English and Spanish I know  how to succeed in this country".

-Paulina Portillo

Paulina thought and expressed with tears: "I'm never going to make it." But her determination and longs hours of study made it happened. Starting with Basic Literacy without knowing how to hold a pencil, she graduated from Elementary, then Secondary and was determined to lean English so she can pass the Citizenship test. She did it! and was so grateful that she enrolled as a volunteer to assist hose, like her who couldn't read and write. 


Powerful stories of participants' success make our day!!

Adultos que alcanzan el éxito después de aprender a leer y escribir

Teresa Rivera Calbillo, Finished Elementary and Jr. High School school through the PLAZAS COMUNITARIAS Spanish Literacy program certified by the Department of Education in Mexico and is congratulated by Dr. Elba Garcia, Dallas County Commissioner, who proudle have Ms. Rivera a Proclamation on 

Teresa Rivera, Graduada de la escuela primaria y secundaria

Teresita es otra hermosa historia de éxito de DCET - A los 65 años, terminó la escuela primaria a través del currículo de español PLAZAS COMUNITARIAS del Departamento de Educación de México. Está asombrada por la belleza de aprender a sumar y restar cifras y emocionada de pasar de trabajar largas y agotadas horas como ayudante en la cocina de un restaurante, a posiblemente convertirse en cajera. Le encantan los números y está ansiosa por seguir estudiando cursos de informática este año para poder aplicar sus conocimientos para navegar a través de los motores de búsqueda y aprender más. "Nada me detendrá ahora que puedo leer historias, como la que aprendí". En un momento sentí que era demasiado mayor para aprender, pero no es cierto, nunca es tarde para aprender y avanzar en la vida y educarme ”. ella dijo. Todo lo que necesitaba era alguien que la animara. Sus hijos hicieron eso y junto a LA ESCUELITA de DCET dijo: "Terminaré mi curso de Computación y tendré un trabajo mejor pagado en el Restaurante", expresó. Esta señora está lista para escalar la montaña del éxito … ¡Ella es una de las mejores historias de éxito de DCET!


Leopoldo Galvan "Don Polo" took ESL classes in search of obtaining his Citizenship status.  He could understand English but had difficulties in writing and speaking. He was urged to pass his citizenship test. In November of 2012, he made it! At the graduation day of DCET, he offered to be a facilitator assisting other senior students like him. DCET secured  his salary through a Senior program sponsored by AARP.

 Even though his health condition (heart problems) could have impeded him to work, he accepted the challenge. 
After working very professionally assisting DCET he passed away on November of 2015. Rest in Peace "Don Polo." 


¡SI SE PUEDE (Yes we can!!)

Petra Gonzales passed all her exams and is now getting prepared to test for junior high school. While getting there, she enrolled in our ESL course to be able to pass the Citizenship test. We were so proud to hear she passed the test and had an opportunity to change her name to Billie Ballantine! 
The new Billie expresses that there are no more barriers for her, so she is determined and ready to achieve her next goal: graduate from her GED course. Billie an inspirational example of determination. Gaining confidence made her reached success! 
DEBES CREER EN TI is registered by: the IRS as a Charitable Organization, with a ruling year of 1999. Headquarters are in Irving, TX and has an EIN of 31-1640064, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit Corporation. Donations are tax-deductible.  
(Source: IRS Business Master File and Form 990).
La Escuelita Irving
504 North O'Connor Rd.
Irving, TX 75061
214-587-1983 (Mobile)
La Escuelita Grand Prairie
4556 S. Carrier Pkwy.
Grand Prairie, TX 75061
214-587-1983 (Mobile)
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